Greenpeace's Guide to Greener Electronics

I was browsing the tech site engadget and I came across a link to Greenpeace's Guide to Greener Electronics. According to Greenpeace "The guide ranks the 18 top manufacturers of personal computers, mobile phones, TV's and games consoles according to their policies on toxic chemicals and recycling." I know that going "green" (which is an interesting advertising and promotion angle for companies like NBC (GE) to take...More on this later) is all the rage. I have embedded the Guide in this post for your viewing pleasure. Notice that Nintendo, much like George W. Bush, was the first company to score a zero. Their ranking could be related to the fact that they have no policies in place regarding the use of certain toxic chemicals in their products, among other things. Check it out at greenpeace.
By the way, was anyone watching Sunday Night Football in America on NBC a couple of weeks ago. The unfortunate Cowboy - Iggles game that coincided with NBC's Green is Universal campaign. If you were, did you find it as amusing as I did, that they broadcasted in the dark...using candles and flashlights (if my memory serves me right). However, among other things, they managed to keep the bright LCD screens declaring the glory of the new Toyota...Maybe it was Hybrid.
Am I back for real?
I am giving thought to yet again reviving this blog. I have left it to die many a time. But, it keeps on ticking. To tell you the truth, I think I get more hits when I am not posting, as compared to when I am actively posting. Anyways, I just purchased a new, functional computer, so my available time for recreational computing use may have just increased. Let us (me) hope that I really mean it this time.