DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?

The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

Your Daily Boondocks via



milestone post

yes, delawhere fans today marks the 300th post of this on again off again blog. This is also my first mobile post. I received a group gift of an iPod touch. Hip hip hooray. More to come in post 301.



I'm coming back to the DE is true. After nearly a year outside of the state of Delaware, I will be making my triumphant return to the first state for the holiday season. While there are many things that I am looking forward to doing, seeing, eating, and enjoying. I must admit I am looking forward to going to the The Christmas House. The Christmas House, which can be seen while driving on I-95, brings the Christmas spirit with nearly 1 million Christmas lights, animated displays and live Christmas characters. It is a traditional Christmas spectacle. To be honest, it reminds me of the Griswold Family Christmas and the seasonal insanity that Clark Griswold falls into while trying to decorate his house with an equally brilliant display.