Missoula in the Winter
Again, I have gone long periods of time without posting. Here is a little video I put together illustrating the beauties of Missoula, MT (my current location) in the winter. Enjoy.
Missoula in the Snow from Ivan Orsic on Vimeo.
Missoula in the Snow from Ivan Orsic on Vimeo.
I am eagerly awaiting the new Roots album which comes out at the end of April
Via Okayplayer.com
I have come across these videos to pass the time
?uestlove and Travis Barker on the drums
Black Thought freestyling
I have come across these videos to pass the time
?uestlove and Travis Barker on the drums
Black Thought freestyling
Look/my squad is half Mandrill and half Mandela/my band 'bout seventy strong just like Fela
I am eagerly awaiting the new Roots album "Rising Down" which is slated to come out in April 29th.
Here is the video for "Get Busy"
Here is the video for "Get Busy"
Is anyone else excited for...
from AP
Episodes of The Office and Arrested Development online. I am in.
from AP
Hulu.com, a joint venture between News Corp. and NBC Universal, plans to open its online library of ad-supported TV shows and movies to the public on Wednesday, the company announced.
Users of the service will be able to view more than 250 full-length episodes of shows such as "The Simpsons" and "The Office," as well as some 100 movies, including "The Big Lebowski" and "Ice Age."
Short clips from films and TV shows such as "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Saturday Night Live" are also available through the service, which is accessible at Hulu.com, as well as on Time Warner Inc.'s AOL site, Yahoo Inc. and other popular Web portals.
The public debut of Hulu, which has been available to a test group by invitation since October, comes as studios seek ways to make money providing ad-supported video online.
The entertainment companies behind the service have been feuding with popular online video sites such as Google Inc.'s YouTube, where unauthorized clips from shows often appear. Viacom Inc., which owns MTV and Comedy Central, is suing Google for copyright infringement.
The Hulu.com programming comes from 50 TV networks, movie studios and Web-based producers of content. Viewers of some movies and TV shows are given a choice of advertisements to watch.
NBC Universal is a unit of General Electric Co.
Episodes of The Office and Arrested Development online. I am in.
3 A.M. Girl
via ABC.com
Casey Knowles of Bonney Lake, Wash., was recently watching Jon Stewart lampoon Hillary Clinton's well-known "3 a.m." ads on "The Daily Show" when her brother noticed something."They were parodying this ad, kind of poking fun at it. They were replaying it. We paused it. My brother was like, 'Is that Casey?' And we just erupted," Knowles said on "Good Morning America Weekend Edition" today. "Sure enough, it's me."
An image of an eight-year-old Knowles appears in the ad, shown sleeping soundly in bed. The Clinton campaign legally purchased the file footage of Knowles from Getty Images.
Clinton's ad aimed to emphasize her experience and say she'd be a strong national security candidate. The ad was a play on a 1980s-era advertisement with a similar theme: if there was a middle-of-the-night national security emergency, who would you want to have answer the phone and deal with it?
Ironically, though, the now-17-year-old Knowles would want Clinton rival Barack Obama to answer any important 3 a.m. calls coming into the White House.
Knowles' image originally was shot for a railroad company advertisement, but the teen said she harbors no resentment toward the Clinton campaign for using her image.

Well, I am wrapping up a lazy Sunday morning that is reminiscent of Sunday mornings of seven years past. Me pater is wrapping up a successful pledge drive show on WVUD and I am lounging about with the virtual version of the newspaper - nytimes.com. Anyways, yet again, much has happened since I blogged (like an actual blog, not a faux landmark blog). I went on a summer geosciences field camp with the University of Arizona, grew a mean beard, returned back home fit Christmas, and applied to grad school for geomorphology, or surface processes...oh yeah, I also graduated and got a job. With all of this excitement, I have not made time to blog. Which should not be a surprise to any of the remaining spurned Delawho? Delawhat? Delawhere? fans.
Last week, I wanted to make a difference and vote in the Ohio democratic primary. And yet again, Ohio has failed to see the light. Save the more recent 2006 election, Ohio and I have had our disagreements. Bush in 2000 and 2004 and now Clinton in 2008. In no way am I comparing the two persons, however, Clinton's success in this state does confuse me. Obama has projected himself as a uniter, a leader...a political wunderkind of sorts. Policy-wise Hillary and Obama very similar...maybe 95% alike (a Colbert guesstimate of sorts). But, Hillary is very abrasive and divisive at times. She has taken credit for Bill's successes and waffled on his "failures". She has played the old-fashioned political game of slander. This is not to say that Obama has not participated in similar activities, however, they have been slightly more understated than Hillary's attacks.
One of Hillary's attacks that has "got my goat" is the issue of yea, nay, or present votes that Obama submitted during his time in the Illinois State Senate. She first presented this issue when John Edwards was still in the running for the nomination. And I quote
He (Obama) voted “present,” effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator.from MSNBC.
Sometimes the “present’ votes were in line with instructions from Democratic leaders or because he objected to provisions in bills that he might otherwise support. At other times, Mr. Obama voted present on questions that had overwhelming bipartisan support. In at least a few cases, the issue was politically sensitive.
Hillary's response to the logic that Obama presented was obtuse.
I want change and I want it now. Give me Obama.
milestone post
yes, delawhere fans today marks the 300th post of this on again off again blog. This is also my first mobile post. I received a group gift of an iPod touch. Hip hip hooray. More to come in post 301.