DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?

The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

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I Made It...i made it

My response to Mr. Barny's editorial on the Loud Music law appeared in the News Journal today:
Yelling over loud music doesn't help

Writers have expressed outrage over loud music. It might have been wiser to channel emotions into an appeal to the public. Counter-bullying just alienates people who play loud music even more. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Ivan Orsic, Union Park Gardens

As you can tell it is a slightly abbreviated version of my original response. Hey, but it is the thought that counts.

On a slightly more serious topic, over the weekend I learned that one of my high school friends, who had joined the National Guard during his sophomore or junior year of high school, would be heading over to Iraq in September. Although he is enrolled at the U of D, he is still being sent over to Iraq. His eventual depature to the Mideast puts a lot of things into perspective about our everyday lives and how trivial some things can be. It also raises the issue of reinstating the draft and how I would react to it. Hmmm....

"Quote" of the Day, from Jerry Seinfeld's Comedian:
Get into something dumb...DEEP into'll find the greatest wisdom.

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