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The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

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What happened to the "Bush Doctrine"?

War policy undone by real war
After Iraq, the "Bush doctrine" has lost its appeal.

By Dick Polman
Inquirer Staff Writer

Nearly two years have passed since President Bush unveiled his foreign policy revolution, decreeing at West Point on June 1, 2002, that America would reserve the right to launch preventive wars against potentially hostile regimes. The Cold War containment policy was out; the "Bush doctrine" was in.

Iraq was supposed to demonstrate this new muscularity. But now it appears that the Bush doctrine could wind up buried in the rubble of war, perhaps affirming John Quincy Adams' 1821 admonition that America shouldn't roam the world "in search of monsters to destroy." read on

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