DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?

The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

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There comes a time... every young man's (well at least this young man's) semester, where a decision must be made. This decision is related to the hair which starts to envelop the tops of one's ears and impedes clearer thought (well not really)....To cut or not to cut the locks. That truly is the question. Wait till you come home so someone who knows how to cut your tornado head...or give in and get it cut. At one point, I considered going back to buzz-cut..I thought better of it and held off. I have yet to make my big decision yet, but I know one thing...Curtis/"Live" by Curtis Mayfield is one of the (live) albums I have heard. With a smaller backing band, the subtleties of his music shines threw and the small club atmosphere adds an indescribable element to his performance...give it a listen.

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