DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?

The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

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The Beginning of Bigger Things to Come

With nothing to do other than those pesky finals...but who needs to worry about those, I have started to perform a facelift on my blog. I added a bunch of links, registered with feedster, as well as blogwise, and placed a visitor count on my page courtesy of SiteMeter. There are many more changes to come especially after finals are over. Currently, I have had 26 visitors. Most of which were me, checking to see if my site meter had increased. It really hasnt increased that much at all. Which leaves me with a question of pride and curiosty: Do I keep the current sitemeter icon up, which shows the number of visits or do I choose another one which conceals my lowly visit total until it becomes respectful? I want to see if it has changed, but I dont want people who might happen upon my blog and view the embarrassingly low traffic total which I have racked up.

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