DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?

The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

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Check this out

Courtesy of Logan's Lurch: a commentary on the evils of big record companies and the money that they steal from their artists and why you shouldnt feel guilty about downloading music...
If You Feel Guilty About Downloading Music, Read This...
Having worked in record retail and studied the machinations of the music industry for quite a while, I have one determined, for myself, one rule about downloading... The bigger the label the better it is for society to download illicitly from it. Now, many of you may disagree, but major labels just think commodities are commodities and if they were selling shoes rather than CDs it wouldn't really matter. On top of that, musicians are often given the worst contracts in the world to sign and they do. Before you blame their decisions let's remember that many of the people who sign them a) are anywhere from 18-22 year old kids who are at a severe disadvantage to the team of lawyers who have composed the contract and, even if they have an agent, all too often they are better at booking clubs than distinguishing the difference between "mechanicals" and "synch rights". If you don't know what I just wrote, then welcome to the jungle. So, this leads me to B): Musicians don't get legal training, even in college. This may be changing a little, but very little at that. (read on...)

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