DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?

The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

Your Daily Boondocks via



Local Media is Good at One Thing....

Creating the groundworks for a growing panic among once seemingly rational human beings. If big hurricanes hit Florida...the news teams are on top of it, with Hurricane Center '04...Helping You Out b/c they are on YOUR SIDE. With the two most recent hurricanes/tropical storms just making landfall earlier today down in Florida, the news teams warn us the residents of the Mid-Atlantic of the possibility that the storms are headed our way, bringing heavy rains and maybe some strong winds....(GASP)...This is when true human lunacy and panic sets in and prompts people to make the trek down to their local grocery stores and hoard large amounts of Chips Ahoy, Lays, Wheat Thins, Ritz, etc. People turn into bumbling panic-ridden idiots, who I half expect to mutter..."I love lamp" or "I pooped a hammer". It is as though people think that the world as they know it is coming to a wet, windy end and they must have cookies and crackers on hand in order to survive. God forbid the heavy rains prevent us from having cookies and milk after a meal....What will we do? If indeed one of the tropical storms finds its way up the Atlantic coastline and brings some nasty weather with it, I imagine these people huddling inside eating their cookies and crackers because they have nothing else to do. If we lived in Florida...I would understand a certain level of panic...but we live in Delaware...where the weather is pretty much average (with the exception of the rainy summer we have had). In most cases, the storm will creep up the shore and fade off into the ocean before it causes any "damage". Yet, people still crowd their local grocery stores in order to stock up with the essentials. The same blind panic occurs when the threat of a blizzard hits the airwaves. Home De Pot and other similar stores become the targets of the news zombies who need to buy a snow shovel (since they threw last year's snow shovel out, thinking that they would have no need for the future) and 10 tons of salt. It is as though we are lab rats being tested...we keep on falling for the media contrived news...they just want to see how dumb we are. Personally, I dont trust much of what the news says...because they have doctorates in the art of sensationalism.

This all leads to a bigger point...other than the potential conspiracy involving the gov't, the big corporations, and news teams nationwide...and that point is, do I really have faith in the American people when many of them fall into such a panic about rain and wind....I don't want them voting in the next election, they are not in touch with a rational reality.

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