Decisions Decisions Decisions
Ralph made one yesterday. Nader decided to run for the office of the president in this year's upcoming election. His decision is going to force me to make a tough decision. Before Nader visited our campus, I had been considering becoming a member of the Green Party before his visit. I was becoming very frustrated with lack of a third voice in the United States political world. I had considered voting for Nader in the 2000 election, however, the thought of having the BIG Dubya in office was too frightening of a thought. So I voted for Gore. Now, 4 years later, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. When Nader came to our campus, he spoke about voting for the lesser of two evils when voting Democrat. He also mentioned that unless a substantial number of people began voting for a Green Party candidate, that the social movement would never quite get high enough off the ground. After his speech, I was excited to vote Green Party in this upcoming election. But, that was last fall. I am scared to think what damage Bush could do in the next four years. With the balance of power in the courts on the line and many important issues developing and changing (for example, abortion, gay marriage, that pesky PATRIOT ACT), the thought of 4 more years of Bush is a scary one. I support Nader and his ideas, but an exception must be made. Bush is an embarrassment to the Oval Office and to our country. The so-called straight shooter has done nothing to persuade me that he is an effective president. I don't have faith in him as a leader and his decisions have only made me question him and his party more so. If Bush gets reelected this year, I am moving to Canada. All faith in the citizens of the United States will be lost, Eh. If I have to hear Bush use the words/phrases "terror", "weapons of mass destruction", and "axis of evil" for four more years...I don't know what I will do. I want to vote R. Nader...but my conscious says no. Edwards or Kerry in the year 04.
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