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The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

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Expansion on Class Discussion

Has it occurred to anyone, that it might be more offensive to continually repeat and zoom in on Janet Jackson's "exposed" breast than it was to have a partial view during the superbowl. I don't think anyone actually saw Janet Jackson's breast until it was broken down frame by frame. CBS cut away quickly and the whole thing could have ended like that. Instead, the video has been repeated frame after frame and more and more of the kids that we are trying to "protect" from the "evils" of nudity and the beauty of a woman's body. Sure, the stunt could be considered tasteless. However, what I found more insulting were the outfits which she and her dancers donned during the show. I didnt hear anyone complaining about man corsets her bare chested male dancers were wearing. People only talk about the things that interest them, so it is obvious that nudity grabs the attention of the large majority of people in this country including those who have shunned Janet Jackson for her exposure. Janet and her people probably decided that the stunt would boost the sales of her next single and it would bring attention back to her. In a way, it takes the media attention off of her brother. Question: Has there been more public outcry about the Jacko case or jiggling of Janet?

By the way, I found the quality of the show to be more offensive. It sucked. If Justin and Janet didnt take matters into HIS own hand, everyone would have noticed how terrible the halftime show really was and how terrible it has always been. The success of the halftime show has always depended on singular moments, not on the completeness of the show.

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