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There's no Crying in Baseball and There's no Sensitivity in Gov't

Dick Cheney, resident croony, pitbull, and thug of the Bush Administration, has started attacking Kerry yet again. This time it was in reference to Kerry's statements to a convention of minority journalists

"I believe I can fight a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side and lives up to American values in history."

As Jon Stewart of the Daily Show pointed out..."Now which statement do you think Cheney attacked....More: effective, thoughtful, strategic, proactive, or sensitive...You got it sensitive.

Dick responded to Kerry's statement with these biting words:
"America has been in too many wars for any of our wishes, but not a one of them was won by being sensitive."

"President Lincoln and General Grant did not wage sensitive warfare, nor did President Roosevelt, nor Generals Eisenhower and MacArthur."


"A 'sensitive war' will not destroy the evil men who killed 3,000 Americans," he said. "The men who beheaded Daniel Pearl and Paul Johnson will not be impressed by our sensitivity."


"As our opponents see it, the problem isn't the thugs and murderers that we face, but our attitude. Well, the American people know better. ... Those who threaten us and kill innocents around the world do not need to be treated more sensitively. They need to be destroyed."

I am tired of this administration's never back down and take no prisoners approach. (Well, maybe its wiser to take no more prisoners, since we seem to have trouble treating them humanely.) This approach comes off as American cockiness and of the things that the world isnt a big fan of right now. However, Bush too said something about sensitivity and the war on terrorism, as pointed out by Phil Singer, a spokesman for the Kerry campaign, when he pointed out that Bush once said America should be "sensitive about expressing our power and influence."

Others have spoken out against Cheney's comments and the Bush campaign tactics including ten senior military officials and retired general Wesley Clark. The military officials issued a statement saying "George Bush and Dick Cheney have chosen to take their campaign to the gutter. We call on President Bush and Vice President Cheney to stop the irresponsible personal attacks and tell us where they want to take the country." The group was led by retired admiral William Crowe, who was chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush. In June, Crowe signed a statement criticizing Bush's Iraq policy. Clark issued the following statement, "Today, Dick Cheney took the lowest road in politics — it was a cheap shot unworthy of the office of vice president."

I am glad that people are not letting Cheney's comments and spinnery slip past. If you want to know more about the Bush Administration's spinabilities, check out Spinsanity and their recently released book All the President's Spin

Portions of article from USA TODAY

for more Republican thuggery check this story out: Kerry office vandalized with 'Bush rules' message

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