DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?

The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

Your Daily Boondocks via



A couple things

A couple days ago Ryan had some complaints about iTunes and the fact that he could burn CDs and that they converted songs into a weird format. One of the great things about iTunes is the fact that you can use it to convert songs from format to format. If you dont want to convert songs into AAC format, then you can convert them into MP3, WAV, or AIFF format as well. In order to switch to one of these conversion formats, a simple set of actions can change your formating preferences. Simply, select the edit portion on the title bar, and scroll down to the preferences option. Select preferences and then select the importing tab. Once you have selected the importing tab, you can select which encoder you want to use when importing. Press OK and all your problems are solved. Then, you can import songs from CDS in MP3 format. If you right-click on a song that was previously converted to AAC format, the right-click menu offers you the chance to convert to MP3 format assuming you have switched your importing preferences.

In the case of burning the CD, try creating the playlist of the CD and then pressing the burn CD button. Eventually, the program will trigger the CD drive to open up. Then insert the CD. I dont know if that quite explains how to do it or not, but maybe it will help.

Well it is a beautiful day outside and I am getting some work done cause I am going to a Roots Concert at OWU tonite. I will post about it tomorrow morning before I go to Cincy for some business.

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