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The experiences of Me, Myself, and I(van), a young Delawarean, currently working in Cincinnati, Ohio

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Not Just A Rumor...The Draft is back

Some scary and sobering news courtesy of Logan's Lurch

A lot of the time you ask students why they don't vote or why they aren't interested in politics and you get the same tired crap like "My vote doesn't count" or "When are they gonna put voting on the net?" or "I Thought the Cola Wars decided all this shit?" and then you realize, sometimes you just need a gentle prod. Well, here it is in the form of an e-mail that is floating around and this prod, my friends, goes right up your bum with a Big Toe and a guy in fatigues named Sgt. Hulka attached to it...

Mandatory Draft
Mandatory draft for boys and girls (ages 18-26) starting June 15, 2005, is something that everyone should know about. This literally effects everyone since we all have or know children that will be drafted and be sent to Bush's wars wherever he decides to call the next one. [ed. note - Two to One the name of the next country invaded will sound a lot like the title of a Flock of Seagulls song and it aint "Wishing (I Had a Photograph")].

There is pending legislation in the house and senate(companion bills: S89 and HR 163) which will time the program's initiation so the draft can begin as early as Spring 2005,just after the 2004 presidential election. The administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed now, while the public'sattention is on the elections, so our action on this is needed immediately. Details and links follow.

This plan, among other things, eliminates highereducation as a shelter and includes women in the draft. Also,crossing into Canada has already been made very difficult. This legislation is called HR 163 and can be found in detail at this website: Just enter in "HR 163" and click search and will bring up the bill for you to read. It is less than two pages long.

If this bill passes, it will include all men and women from 18 - 26 in a draft for military action. Have you heard Bush talking about this on his campaign trail? In addition, since he's no longer draftalbe, college will no longer be an option to avoid the draft AND Bush will be signing an agreement with Canada which will no longer permit anyone attempting to dodge the draft to stay within it's borders. This bill also includes the extension of military service INDEFINITELY for all those that are currently active. If you go to the select service web site and read their 2004 FYI Goals you will see that the reasoning for this is to increase the size of the military in case of terrorism. However, the real goal is global domination by the Bushies of every oil-related enterprise. This is a critical piece of legislation, this will effect our children and our grandchildren. Please take the time to write your congressman and let them know how you feel about this legislation. You might start by telling them that if a war is just, our country will have no trouble finding soldiers. If the war is clearly a trumped up expression of just how corrupt a government can be, then even the military will refuse to be sent unnecessarily into harm's way. Go to the web sites for both the White House and Senate ( and and voice your sentiments, whatever they may be.

Please also write to your representatives and ask them why they aren't telling their constituents about these bills and write to newspapers and other media outlets to ask them why they're not covering this important story. Just why isn't Bush talking about how he's going to draft YOUR sons and daughters?

The draft $28 million has been added to the 2004 selective service system budget to prepare for a military draft thatcould start as early as June 15, 2005. Selective service must report to Bush on March 31, 2005 [ed note. If he is re-elected] that the system, which has lain dormant for decades, is ready for activation.

Please see to view the Selective Service System annual performance plan, fiscal year 2004. The pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide.

Again, no politician will listen to you unless you are registered to vote and are prepared to vote for or against them. So, get registered! Choose or lose, indeed.

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